Sorting Options

Data on grid analysis could be sorted horizontally or vertically (categories or series based sorting). Additionally, each dimension level on the grid could be sorted individually.

To sort all members on an axis, right click on grid analysis and select “Set Row Sorting” or “Set Column Sorting”. Choose to sort by one of added measures or alphabetically. If you wish to sort data using measure values, optionally it is possible to select member on opposite axis upon which values sorting will be perform. If opposite member is not selected, sorting will be done by measure total on opposite axis.

  • Right click on the grid area or 'Options' button and choose 'Set Row Sorting' or 'Set Column Sorting'
  • olap sorting

  • Grid rows or columns are sorted by its totals
  • olap sorting

  • When choosing select options for one axis, select member on the opposite axis you wish to be used to sort the data
  • olap sorting

  • Grid rows or columns are sorted by selected member values on the opposite axis
  • olap sorting
Grid analysis has options to set sorting for each added dimension level individually. For example, one level could be sorted for one measure values, other for different measure values and third could be sorted alphabetically.

  • Click the arrow beside added dimension level, level context menu will appear and select “Level sorting”.
  • olap sorting

  • On a picture below, we see, “Country” level members are sorted by “Internet Sales Amount” ascending, but members of “State-Province” are sorted by “Internet Sales Amount” in descending order. It is possible to create sorting for every added dimension level on both axis.
  • olap sorting