Multitenant Self-service Analytics & Dashboards

Running a single Kyubit BI application instance for multiple organizations/users, completely separated from each other on the data level. The ideal way to present reports and dashboards to your clients is where each client's data is isolated.

By default, Kyubit Business Intelligence Platform is running in the single-tenant mode, which means that a single organization is using the application, and created objects (Reports, Dashboards, etc.) are visible to any user from an organization with appropriate permissions. When running in a Multitenant mode, multiple organizations with their users are using the application in such a way, that no single data from one tenant (organization) is visible to another tenant's users. The administrator of one tenant could see and manage data only within his tenant domain.

Single-Tenant Multi-Tenant
Application Mode Application Mode
BI Content All users are working in a single application instance. The content is available to users based on the assigned permissions and privileges on the application instance level. (Default application setup)

BI Content TENANT 1
Users working in a tenant 1 instance. The content is available to users based on the assigned permissions and privileges on the tenant 1 instance level.

BI Content TENANT 2
Users working in a tenant 2 instance. The content is available to users based on the assigned permissions and privileges on the tenant 2 instance level.

Multitenant Reports and Dashboards

Create a single report or dashboard that will be used by all tenants in such a way that the same report or dashboard structure is used by the tenant-defined data source. This feature prevents a requirement to create a report or a dashboard for each tenant individually (which is also an option), which saves a great amount of time while creating and updating multitenant reports and dashboards. In other multitenant scenarios, all tenants could work with the same data source and differentiate data view for a specific tenant Multitenant Properties could be used to filter tenant-specific data or it is possible to define a Windows Account that will be used for each tenant while accessing data sources (very convenient when working with OLAP Role-based security). All KPIs, Self-Service BI, or OLAP-related reports and dashboards are available to present only tenant-specific data.

In this example, each tenant represents a product reseller. Each reseller opening the same dashboard can see only data related to their sales...

Multitenant Configuration

While running in multi-tenant mode, Kyubit BI is still one instance of the application and uses one internal database, which structure is designed to meet multi-tenant functionality. To use multi-tenant in production, a Kyubit Multitenant Edition license is required.

Only the administrator of the root tenant (default tenant) is considered the master administrator and has privileges to manage application tenants.

 How to configure

  • First, configure Kyubit Users Authentication required for multi-tenant mode. After this step, you will have a Kyubit user who is the master administrator with privileges to manage tenants.
  • Open your web.config file (C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence) and set the "Multitenant" setting to "1".
    <add key="Multitenant" value="1" />
  • After you log in with the master administrator within the "Administration" section there will be options to manage tenants.
  • Create new tenants
  • Create new users (Administration -> Users & Admins -> Create User ) and set each tenant's appropriate administrators. From that moment created users can log in to Kyubit BI and manage their own tenant users, groups, or any data.
  • Each tenant can have an associated Windows account to be used while accessing data sources requiring Windows Authentication (SSAS, for example). Optionally, each user could have associated his own Windows account for the same purpose.
BI Tool Multitenant

Cross-Multitenant content

Create a single analysis or dashboard that will be visible to all tenants, but each tenant is using its own data source to display the results. In situations when multiple tenants have the same report or dashboard, but uses different OLAP cubes or SQL databases to display appropriate results for the tenant, use the ‘Cross-multitenant’ feature and simplify content management. Without this feature, for 100 tenants, it would be required to create 100 analyses/reports to prepare the results, instead of a single analysis/dashboard with this feature.

Steps to prepare analysis/dashboard as a cross-multitenant content:

  • Login as master admin (default tenant)
  • Create an analysis/dashboard you wish to use in all the tenants.
  • Go to Administration > Tenants and create a new ‘Cross-Multitenant Template’
  • Go to the data source analysis/dashboard is using and mark with the same ‘Cross-Multitenant Template’.
  • Create a new folder for cross-multitenant purposes, and with the same ‘Cross-Multitenant Template’
  • Move your analysis/dashboard to the created folder (Immediately after this action, folder content is visible to all the tenants).
  • Admin of Tenant X has to mark a certain tenant data source with the same ‘Cross-Multitenant Template’ to finally tell the application to use this data source when opening the analysis/dashboard that is stored in a cross-multitenant folder.
After these steps, opening the same analysis/dashboard uses tenant-specific-data sources.

Multitenant Properties

This feature relies on Cross-Multitenant templates. If a certain analysis/dashboard is shared among tenants using a Cross-Multitenant template, but instead of using different data sources to display the data analysis/dashboard is using the same data source in all the tenants. Using multitenant properties, it is possible to filter appropriate analysis/dashboard data for specific tenants.

Admin has to create a new multitenant property and assign the value for this property for each tenant. When analysis/dashboard is created, add a new filter and set one of the existing multitenant properties. (Administration > Tenant > Multitenant Properties)

Multitenant Properties
When adding a filter to a report, instead of selecting a particular filter value, select previously created 'Multitenant Property' and data will be filtered by each tenant multitenant property value.

Multitenant Properties

Multitenant White-Label Options

The Multitenant White-Label feature enables you to apply each tenant their own logo while using the application on all places in the application where by default the Kyubit logo and branding are used.

All changes in this procedure will remain after the application upgrade to the new version.

Edit values in the web.config file (C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence) and images in folder C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence\WhiteLabel as follows...

Set this value to 1 to activate White-Label features.

Also, set this value to 1 to activate White-Label features per Tenant.

White-label images for the master tenant are stored in C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence\WhiteLabel, while White-label images for any other additional tenant are stored in C:\Program Files\Kyubit\BusinessIntelligence\WhiteLabel\{TenantID} folder. To check the ID of the created tenant, open the tenant form in the application.