Drill-Down Features

User Drill-down, Expand-collapse and other analytic features that will quickly explore OLAP data structures

If we drag dimension hierarchy that consist of several levels (For example, Geography [Country - State - City - Customer] or Calendar [Year - Semester - Quarter - Month - Week - Day]), with each member on the Categories or Series area will be displayed collapse/expand option, which would expand values to show values for the next hierarchy level members. For example, with a few clicks, we would see analysis for all countries, drill down USA to states, drill down California to cities and finally find values for San Francisco. At the same analysis, it is possible to drill down Categories and Series dimension hierarchies.

OLAP drill down
To expand values and show members of other dimension hierarchy, drag all dimension hierarchies to the same axis (Categories or Series) and click/expand desired members. It is possible to drag multiple dimension hierarchies to the same axis and on that way expand values from one hierarchy to another. For example, we could first drag Countries hierarchy and then Product hierarchy. On that way first we would see values for all countries, and then by expanding USA, we would see Product categories sold in USA. Expanding members with single or different dimension hierarchies could be combined and performed on both axes separately within same analysis, giving powerful and fast option to analyze data from OLAP cube.

OLAP drill down
To expand all sibling members of a particular hierarchy, right click any of sibling members and select “Expand all”. On the same way select “Collapse all members” to collapse all sibling members. Exapand all/Collapse all members is available only on categories axis.

  • Right click and select expand options from context menu
  • OLAP drill down

  • All members on the exis are expanded
  • OLAP drill down
On a category axis it is possible to drill down certain member if it is a root category level member. Right click member and select “Drill down Bikes”. “Bikes” member will be automatically added to filters and level bellow will show members related to selected “Bikes” member.

  • Right click and select member to perform drill-down action
  • OLAP drill down

  • On the same axis now, chile members appear, while parent member of drill-down action appears on the filters
  • OLAP drill down