Client Prerequisites

All users can use their internet browsers to access Kyubit Business Intelligence.

Kyubit BI is supported with following internet browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9 or newer
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox

Kyubit features will automatically work on most browser configurations, however it is possible that certain local policy/configuration settings might prevent Kyubit BI to function as expected. If you experience problems that are related to internet browser settings, please check following:

Make sure you have enabled these settings in

  • Internet Options -> Advanced -> (ActiveX controls and plug-ins section ) Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting -> should be enabled
  • Internet Options -> Advanced -> (Scripting section ) Active scripting -> should be enabled
  • Depending on the local policy add Kyubit URL to Internet Options -> Security -> Trusted Sited
  • To allow automatic logon using "Windows Integrated" authentication, Internet Options -> Security -> (Choose preferred level) -> enable "Automatic Logon only in Intranet zone"
  • To allow automatic logon using "Windows Integrated" authentication, Internet Options -> Advanced -> Enable Windows Integrated Authentication.

BI Tool browser settings

For Firefox you need to install add-on for Windows Integrated Security.