Embedded BI features

Discover ways to integrate Business Intelligence features with your web site/application and use embedded analytics, reports and dashboards from Kyubit BI within your existing site or application.

Embed Analysis Page

Embed Kyubit analysis grid view into an existing application or a website with all analytic features included with a simple URL definition. The analysis grid could be embedded inside an IFrame HTML element inside existing page or opened in a separate browser tab. Embedded analysis grid view can display an existing analysis (previously created in application) or new analysis for a specific data source. Example:
//Embed a new analysis for a data source ID = 101

//Embed an existing analysis with AnalysisID = 10

//Embed an existing analysis with AnalysisID = 10 with hidden elements

//Embed an existing analysis inside Iframe element
<iframe src="http://YourKyubitSiteURL/Analysis/10" width="1600px" 
 height="1000px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Embed Dashboard Page

To embed an existing dashboard to an external page using IFrame element or to open in a separate browser tab use Dashboard > Options > Embed form to create required URL that will also include preferred visual options to nicely integrate into the existing application/website page layout. Also, it is possible to define filters for the dashboard in the URL as described in the dashboard filters section. Example:
<iframe id="dashFrame" 

Embed Report/Decomposition

A Report View or a Decomposition Analysis could also be embedded using the IFrame element or opened in a separate browser tab related to the host application or a website. Optionally, to create a report that does not require any authentication by the end-user, use the 'Published Report' feature that includes impersonation data for this purpose. (Navigate to Analysis > Report > Published report to define) Example:

//Published report using the IFrame element
<iframe src='http://YourKyubitSiteURL/Report.aspx?Analysis=alias' frameborder='0' vspace='0' hspace='0' 
marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'  width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='no' >

//Embeded Decomposition Analysis with hidden elements defined in URL
<iframe src='http://YourKyubitSiteURL/decomposition/999?hideSave=1&hideHeader=1&hideComments=1&hideFavorites=1&hidePrint=1' frameborder='0' vspace='0' hspace='0' 
marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'  width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='no' >

IFRAME embedded BI approach advantage is speed and OLAP and Dashboard behaviour exactly as within Kyubit application.

Learn about Embedded Analytics IFRAME Integrations

Embed Individual Charts/KPIs

Embed individual Kyubit visualizations (Charts/Metrics/KPIs) by including Kyubit Javascript/CSS files to your website/application and connect to previously created analyses or queries. This approach enables users of your application to analyze OLAP/SQL/CSV data directly on your page, using analytic features like Drill-Down, Drill-through, 'Large View', Export to Excel, customize appearance, Caching and others. Example:
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function ()
    $kyu.initVisualization('testDiv', {
        name: 'My Visualization',
        analysisId: 2053,
        chartType: 'Doughnut_Chart',
        colorPallete: 0,
        allowLargeView: true,
        refreshTime: 5

HTML/Javascript embedded BI approach advantage is integration quality and fine tuning of embedded analytics behaviour options.

Learn about Embedded Analytics Javascript Integrations

Authentication while embedding Kyubit content

If using Windows Integrated Authentication, users will be automatically authenticated while accessing Kyubit content. If using Windows Login Form or Kyubit Users authentication, a login prompt will appear to access embedded Kyubit content. In that case, to avoid the Kyubit login prompt, use Kyubit Javascript API to authenticate programmatically in the background prior to accessing Kyubit content (Mimic Single Sign-On). To learn more about the Kyubit Javascript API authentication, please read the first 3 points on the Kyubit Javascript API reference.

Embedded BI, Embedded Analytics

Video - Embedded BI Analytics and Dashboards for any web site


This video demonstrates how to embed BI interactive OLAP/SQL/CSV analytics and data visualizations in any web site or application. Suppose that you have any kind of HTML page with the list of your products and a place where you would like your users to analyze data from your OLAP, SQL or CSV data sources. It only takes to add required javascript and css files and write few simple lines of code for embedded BI magic to appear on your page. Any analysis, query or dashboard created in Kyubit BI will be rendered on your page with embedded analytics interactive ability to drill-down your data, drill by any available dimension in your cube, change chart type, drill-through the data and many more. Users will also be able to enlarge presented embedded bi visualization, export embedded analytics to Excel file or continue analysis with full analytic features inside Kyubit Business Intelligence app. Same way created KPIs and Gauge visualization could be included to your page to show metrics and success of your business goals. Add ability for your users to explore and discover OLAP data structures on your page within minutes.

Embedded BI Basics (HTML/Javascript Integration)

Let's start from the beginning. Open your Kyubit BI application and create some simple analysis. Choose your 'OLAP' or 'Analytic Model' data source and drag-and-drop some dimension hierarchies to see some data related to your products. Save your analysis and go to your HTML page where you would like to reuse created analysis. Add prerequisite embedded BI javascript files to your page and decide location of the HTML element where you would like your visualization to appear. Within Kyubit global configuration, set URL to Kyubit application that will be shared among multiple visualizations on your site. Also, here are attributes that will set general layout and behaviour of integrated analysis on your site in general. Finally, create javascript function that will initiate embedded analytics integration as soon as your page loads and set parameters for embedded analytics you would like to show. First embedded BI analytics is here, but now you will want to customize its appearance. Set value labels to show on the chart. For all labels or only top values. Add series to your analysis for more detailed visualizations and set 'Column Chart' chart type to your embedded analytics details parameters. Any of these embedded BI visualizations gives you ability to drill your data to the point of interest using any dimension hierarchies from your OLAP cubes. Change integration color pallets to best match your site layout colors or create new color pallets with specific colors your prefer. To focus on specific data and show only part of your initial analysis, set specific categories and series you wish to show. Choose 'Pivot' option to switch categories and series values on your chart. Set 'Refresh' time interval, after which data will be automatically refreshed with current values from data source or set cache parameters that will hold integration data in the memory for specific amount of time. More advanced embedded BI scenario is that you would like to have analysis in the context of some data from your page. For example, you would like to show analysis for a given product from your page, you have selected. When user click on 'Details' specific product, analysis will be displayed. First, create certain analysis with dimension you would like to see on your categories, series and filters within Kyubit BI app. It will take a minute to prepare any kind of embedded analytics and save it to be reused. Create javascript function that will be called when used clicks on details, passing product key as an argument. Within this function, we shall call integration function, but this time we will add slicer parameter. Integration function can have any number of slicer parameters that consist of slicer ID, which stands for dimension hierarchy we would use for slicing and slicer value that is actual member unique value used for filtering. Of course, we shall set product key to create final slicer parameter values for data integration. Now, we have integrated visual analysis in the context of the data user has previously selected. After user selects details for any product, he is able to see embedded analytics data and interactively explore data on this page, export data to Excel or continue analysis in Kyubit Self-Hosted BI Tools. Set series of values to display 'Trend' or 'Average' line on the chart.

Embedded BI Dashboards or OLAP/SQL/CSV Reports using IFRAME

It is also possible to integrate whole dashboard created in Kyubit Self-Hosted BI Tools using IFRAME HTML element. Set the URL of the IFRAME to point to Kyubit application with parameters for specific dashboard and some parameters that will hide unnecessary items in toolbar. Again, to show dashboard in the context of particular product, we will create function that will pass product key to set appropriate URL for dashboard visualization. We shall set URL for dashboard, but this time we will add slicer value for the dashboard. Slicer consist of the filter dimension hierarchy defined in the dashboard and the slicer member unique value. Ampersand is escaped with HTML equivalent. Every time we click on 'Details' same dashboard is rendered, but every time with different slicer value to show product specific dashboard visualization. Using IFRAME elements, we can also embed OLAP/SQL analytics report to our web page. OLAP reporting is specific as it show expanded portions of OLAP data, making sort of analysis tree, that is intuitive to users exploring the data. Drag-and-drop dimension hierarchies on the category and series axis, expand any of dimension members and prepare all visual details OLAP report could include 3D visualizations that could be part of the report embedded to your page. Set value bars to visually indicate impact of the values compared to totals. Save analysis and set URL within IFRAME element to point to saved analysis and be rendered on your page. Kyubit Business Intelligence provides simple and advanced embedded analytics visualization for data analysis and features to integrate within your page within minutes.