Release Notes 6.1

The biggest Kyubit BI update with version 6.1!
What is improved? Application UI, Support for Two-Factor Authentication, New Scheduled Subscription features, Multiple subscription attachments, Subscription Contacts & Contact Groups, Email Templates, New dashboard features, Waterfall chart, OLAP analysis Calculated Members, and more...

Watch the RELEASE 6.1 VIDEO presenting new features and improvements in version 6.1!

Important Release Changes

  • New application navigation logic where the Home section immediately includes the folder structure. Selecting a folder will display analyses and dashboards in the joined view. (No more separate sections for Analysis and Dashboards)
  • When using White-Labeling features, to set a custom logo in the upper left application corner, replace the image in WhiteLabel/CompanyLogoBox.png with your logo image.
  • Conditional subscription is now based on the value from the first cell from the selected query/analysis. (It does not depend anymore on the KPI contained in the dashboard.)
  • Kyubit Subscription Service is now always run by the LocalSystem account.

All Features and Improvements

  • Redesigned application section navigation. Application sections (Data sources, Queries, KPIs, etc.) are now available as a preference for each user to pin down and have always visible section options on the left side (and leave out others that are not of his interest). The application section is available as an icon in the new section bar.
  • The home section now immediately displays the analyses and dashboards. The folder structure is immediately visible and navigating to a specific folder will display analyses and dashboards that are available in the folder (No need to navigate specifically to the 'Analyses' or 'Dashboards' sections).
  • A user can quickly change the width of the left user interface panel by clicking and dragging the resizing handle, and in this way quickly adjust the width of the left and the right screen portions (previously fixed width). This applies to the home section view (folder panel and items panel, for example) and as well, while inside grid analysis, to the dimensions panel on the left and the values on the right.
  • Two-factor authentication with Google authenticator is now available and could be enabled by all application users to strengthen security.
  • Every application section could be searched with the new contextual search text input always visible in the upper left corner.
  • Overall visual upgrade of application forms, form inputs, and other user interface elements.
  • A single scheduled subscription now can contain multiple analyses and dashboard attachments. For each attachment, a subscriber can set specific layout preferences. For Excel files, for example, a subscriber can choose to include values in text or number format, inline categories, and include charts or not.
  • SQL/MDX queries could be added to the subscription as embedded email content as well.
  • Managing templates for subscription emails. The application now supports creating and managing email templates, which can be selected for each scheduled subscription. The email template can contain any HTML/text which is also edited using a new embedded HTML editor. Quickly creating a template by editing fonts, colors, images, links, tables, or 'Dynamic Values' (values from existing queries and analyses).
  • Conditional subscription is changed and now will test the first value from existing query/analysis for specific criteria. If the condition is met, the subscription will be sent.
  • Contacts and Contact Groups. For Kyubit users who are preparing scheduled reports/dashboards to deliver by email to other individuals (ofter not even Kyubit users), contacts and contact groups can save a lot of time. Instead of adding the email address of each person to receive the email to the subscription, now the application supports creating contacts and contact groups for rapid subscription email setup. You can create a contact that is easily searched and added to every new subscription and not remember his email address for each new scheduled report. If a subscription contains multiple contacts to send to, it will be sent for each contact separately (previously all email addresses were added to email CC). The strongest feature is to create and manage contact groups, which can save a lot of time while preparing subscriptions for larger groups of people. For example, you can add 100 users to a group and quickly add it to every new subscription.
  • Dashboards support the new Waterfall chart. The new 'Waterfall' chart is available to present cumulative changes of the observed values, with the ability to drill down each segment and see deeper cumulative insights!
  • Chart level filtering. Every chart can now be set to have its own filter definition. It can still receive filters from the dashboard level, or it can be configured to use only filters defined on the chart level.
  • Dashboard 'Expand View' now has a view of cumulatively applied filters. Filters could be applied for a chart on different levels (base analysis, dashboard, dashboard chart, chart drill-down, sliced by another chart) and this view nicely shows all applied for the current visible values. Also, all cumulative filters are displayed in the exported PDF/Excel file from the 'Expanded View'.
  • Dashboard charts now contain 5-axis scale divisions (instead of 3 previously) and look nicer. (Column chart, Line chart, Bar charts, and Area charts )
  • The chart drill-down action now displays the breadcrumbs above the chart. So the analyst could always see what items were drill downed to show the 'new' chart. Especially, with multiple drill-down actions, the drill-down breadcrumbs are very useful.
  • Chart 'Drill-down (analysis)' is a new option to drill down to the levels that are defined in the analysis. If you create an analysis that has 4 levels on the category axis, those 4 levels will be used to drill down the chart data.
  • Card and KPI charts have the option to manually set the font size. Usually, the application is auto-sizing the size of the text, but in some cases, a user might require a specific font size.
  • The 'Table' chart now can display the highest and the lowest cell in colors (green, red). It could be set to display the highest and lowest cell in the whole table or each column.
  • Analytics on the table chart now supports drill-down up to 8 levels, each level colored with distinctive color!
  • Stack columns chart and bar charts display the sum on the top of the stack by default.
  • Line and column charts have the option to set Min Y and Max Y to 'Auto'. This will automatically prepare Y axis scale to optimally show current values. For example, if the values are 101, 102, or 103, without MinY/MaxY setup it will be presented on the chart scale from 0 to 120. With auto-scaling, it will be presented on a scale from 90 to 110, for example.
  • The card chart has a background color that will be applied only if the criteria are met (value larger or smaller than the threshold).
  • The dashboard 'info' panel is a panel that is opened to show additional information about the dashboard. It can contain any HTML/text that is managed by the HTML editor. The 'Info' panel can be opened immediately on the dashboard header or on the click on the info icon (if the dashboard header is set to the 'Information' value).
  • The chart 'info' panel is a panel that is opened to show additional information about the chart. It can contain any HTML/text that is managed by the HTML editor.
  • The dashboard chart can contain multiple 'Alternative measures' (Measures that override the defined in the analysis). Each alternative measure could be set in its formatting and position.
  • Create OLAP Calculated Members on the application level. Set the 'Calculated Members' expression and use it immediately in the analysis. Use the 'Pick Members' button to select existing members and their unique member names required for the calculated member expression.
  • Limit the view of the Plan value columns (Time members). If the Plan contains a large number of time members and the user is currently focused on a specific, quickly select which columns to display. The option is remembered and used in future subsequent openings of the same plan values.
  • Category item history values. Open all history values related to the selected cell and its category item. History values could be additionally filtered by the text filter to find the required set of values.
  • Home Info Panel (screen space on the right) now can be configured to display any custom HTML/Text that is managed by Admin users. Home Info Panel can contain multiple tabs, each containing its own HTML/Text. While editing the text embedded HTML editor is available to format the text, and add images, links, tables, or 'Dynamic Values' (values from existing queries and analyses).
  • Configure OLAP dimension members search method (Filter Dialog). Default is the MDX approach, but for some environments, OLD DB SCHEMA_ROWSET has performance advantages. Set "OLAPGetMembersMethod" in the web.config file to "0" for MDX queries (default) or "1" for OLE DB SCHEMA_ROWSET.
  • The setup upgrade process restores all existing IIS bindings after the product upgrade to a new version.