OLAP Chart Analysis

To analyze data visually, switch analysis view to Chart view.

Chart view and Grid view show same analysis data following the concept that first dimension hierarchy on the Categories axis in Grid view will be show on categories (X axis) in Chart view, values for each measure will be shown on Y axis and finally first dimension hierarchy on Series axis in Grid view will be shown as Series in Charts view.
In Grid analysis it is possible to select more dimension hierarchies for each axis. Chart view will accept (show) only first dimension hierarchies for both axes. While doing Chart analysis, Grid analysis is also refreshed in the background, so user could combine both views to execute desired analysis and to apply desired actions. It is the same set of analysis data. If you switch to Grid view, you will see that analysis values for your actions are automatically reflected in both analysis views.
Chart analysis could show up to 3 measures. Each measure will be shown on separate chart, one above other. Unlike Grid analysis, Chart analysis uses right-click-context menu that pops up and show available actions to select elements from cube structure and to perform particular analysis action.

OLAP Chart Analysis
To start Chart analysis, at the minimum, dimension hierarchy for Categories has to be selected. To select particular dimension hierarchy for Categories, Series or Filters, first menu will show available dimensions, and after click on certain dimension, other menu pops up with all available dimension hierarchies for previously selected dimension. Category dimension hierarchy members will be shown on X (horizontal) axis. To change category, right click on empty chart area and select “Change Category” action from menu. Select dimension and dimension hierarchy for the Category axis.
To set Series dimension hierarchy, right click on empty chart area and select “Set Series” action from menu. Select dimension and dimension hierarchy for the Series axis. Series dimension hierarchy members will be shown above chart with different color for each Series member.
It is possible to change current measure in Chart view or add new measures (Up to 3). To remove certain measure, please use grid view, removing measure is not supported in Chart view. To change or add measure, right click on empty chart area and select “Change Measure” or “Add Measure” action from menu. Select measure group and then particular measure. While working with multiple measures, chart will be displayed one above other, so that Category members vertically line up for measure comparison.
To switch members from Categories to Series and vice versa, right click on empty chart area and select “Pivot” action from menu.
To isolate certain member values right click on the member values (Column, Bar, Line, etc.) and select Isolate action. Note, that it is possible to isolate category members or if exists series member within category member. To isolate series member, right click on the series legend (above chart) member and select isolate action. Isolate action will set addition filter for your analysis.
OLAP Chart Analysis
To further analyze data and go “deeper” into desired point of interest for certain category member, right click on the member value (Column, Bar, Line, etc.) and select “Drill” action, and select “Slice” dimension hierarchy that will used to slice current values. Selected category member will be automatically isolated and set in filters. “Slice” dimension hierarchy will become category dimension hierarchy. Note, that if series exists, it is possible to “Slice” category member or series member within selected category member.
OLAP Chart Analysis
If category dimension hierarchy consists of more levels “Drill down” option will be available in the action menu. Drilling down will replace dimension hierarchy with its child level. For example, Country to State or State to City. Right click on the member value (Column, Bar, Line, etc.) and select “Drill Down” action.
There are 6 different and independent visual elements, which could be set up to optimize visualization and perception of your analysis data. User should try several combinations to find most appropriate visual elements, which best suits for given analysis. Changing chart visuals, does not impact analysis data/values in any way.

There are 14 different chart types that could be selected for any analysis.

  • Lines
  • Splines
  • Bars
  • Stacked Bars
  • Stacked Bars 100
  • Columns
  • Stacked Columns
  • Stacked Columns 100
  • Areas
  • Stacked Areas
  • Stacked Areas 100
  • Pie
  • Doughnut
  • Radar
Defines color sets that would be used to show chart values.

  • Grayscale
  • Excel
  • Light
  • Pastel
  • EarthTones
  • Semitransparent
  • Berry
  • Chocolate
  • Fire
  • SeaGreen
  • BrightPastel
Defines background color for the chart area.

  • Blue
  • White
  • White
Apply 3D view for given chart analysis and defined chart visuals.
Value elements (Lines, Columns, Bars, etc.) could be visually semitransparent above the chart area.
Values could be presented with numbers beside each member value element
For pie and doughnut chart types, special setting is provided to support different value presentation options, due to these chart type specifics.

OLAP Chart Analysis